Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is a map of McKlenberg County Riverine Flood. This program was easy to use once I got the hang or it. The Summary Analysis is great it tells you exactly what was impacted because of the flooding from the cost to the number of buildings damaged. HAZUS estimated that 73 buildings will have at least moderate damage. This is an excellent tool to use because it allows emergency management agencies to know the extent of the damage without driving around and hand counting everything. Although this is not an exact replica of what would happen it is a great starting off point.

This is an image of the house I did the identify tool on. I had the information displayed but it must have gotten lost when I saved it. The depth was 7.23 feet. It looked better when it was in the data view instead of the layout view.

This is a map of the debris and a debris bar graph from the flooded area. When you click on the bar graph it highlights the corresponding areas on the map.

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