Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Homeland Security Prepardness

This does not look like the final map on the directions. I tried to locate BAUA_Landpts.lyr but could not get it to load correctly. I tried to fix the data in ArcCatalog but ended up changing all the symbols some how. I read the previous exercises but could not figure out where I went wrong. I got confused on step 1 on page 147 and then I thought I had figured it out but my map does not look the same.

This is my map for Chapter 3 Part 2 of the San Francisco Region and it turned out just like the directions.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad. I happened upon your blog doing a Google search for a corrected .lyr file. I think it must be corrupted or something because the BAUA_LandPly.lyr loads fine.
    --GIS N8
