Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 10

This is my Hospital Map. The red dots are the other land marks and the orange are the Hospitals with the 500 foot ring around them.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Homeland Security Prepardness

This does not look like the final map on the directions. I tried to locate BAUA_Landpts.lyr but could not get it to load correctly. I tried to fix the data in ArcCatalog but ended up changing all the symbols some how. I read the previous exercises but could not figure out where I went wrong. I got confused on step 1 on page 147 and then I thought I had figured it out but my map does not look the same.

This is my map for Chapter 3 Part 2 of the San Francisco Region and it turned out just like the directions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Crime in Lincoln

This is my base map of Lincoln showing the census blocks, police stations, and crimes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 5

Map of Univeristy Student Dwellings by percentages.

This Map displays the Projected and Current Traffic Volume of a city. This is an important tool to be able to use to see the impact building has on road volume.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This is a map of McKlenberg County Riverine Flood. This program was easy to use once I got the hang or it. The Summary Analysis is great it tells you exactly what was impacted because of the flooding from the cost to the number of buildings damaged. HAZUS estimated that 73 buildings will have at least moderate damage. This is an excellent tool to use because it allows emergency management agencies to know the extent of the damage without driving around and hand counting everything. Although this is not an exact replica of what would happen it is a great starting off point.

This is an image of the house I did the identify tool on. I had the information displayed but it must have gotten lost when I saved it. The depth was 7.23 feet. It looked better when it was in the data view instead of the layout view.

This is a map of the debris and a debris bar graph from the flooded area. When you click on the bar graph it highlights the corresponding areas on the map.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Project 2: Hurricanes

This is my map of elevation and bathymetry of Key West with Key West places labeled and streets displayed.

My bar graph showing percentage of total flooded land by land-cover type.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My name is Christina Genualdi and I am a graduate student at UWF. I also do freelance private environmental consulting. I currently live in Pensacola. I enjoy cycling, doing DIY projects around my house, playing tennis, cooking, and going out with friends. I am looking forward to a great semester and learning more about GIS.